
Friday, November 29, 2013

We’re Just Trying To Figure It Out

Both the Mr. and I both are incredibly blessed with amazing families that we got to celebrate Thanksgiving with yesterday. There was lots of food, lots of hugs, and lots of trampoline jumping. Everywhere the Mr. and I went we were greeted with, “It’s the newlyweds!” with questions soon following about how married life is, and the truth is…I didn’t really know what to tell them.

Of course you can tell people “fantastic!” because that’s what they expect to hear and it is, 99% of the time. Or, you can say what I wanted to say and tell them, “We’re still trying to figure everything out,” because we are and I know we will be for quite some time…and that’s Ok.

We haven’t even been married a whole month yet. So no, we don’t know when we are going to start trying for kids. We don’t know what investments we are going to make. We don’t know where we are going to do our banking, or if we are even going to have a joint account just yet. We don’t know when either one of us are going back to school, or what jobs are going to look like in a few weeks. We don’t know a lot of things, and I don’t know when we will know those things.

I do know a few things though.

I know that I love my husband more than anything in this world, and that while this all may take some getting used to, there’s no one I would rather argue or have a tiff with about which way the toilet paper faces.

I know that when we do decide to start trying for kids and when we do finally have that little bundle of joy, he will be an amazing dad.

I know that there is no one else’s dirty socks or fire department shirts I would rather go around the house finding that need to be washed.

I know that there is no other man (other than my Daddy of course) that will support me or love me more than he does.

I know that through job changes, going back to school, or whatever else may come into our path, he will be there by my side, holding my hand, and putting up with my crazy rants.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

What Would The Husband Say?

The Mr. and I have been married a little over three weeks now. This Sunday will mark the four week period (almost a full month) and it’s incredible to me how fast this month has flown by. Going into our wedding and honeymoon we kept telling ourselves and friends “if we can only get through the wedding then things will be so much better money wise and stress wise. It’ll be fantastic!” Now we’re saying, “If we can only get through Christmas things will be better money wise and stress wise,” and it makes me wonder if things will ever really “get better?”

Over the last few weeks, I’ve been faced with some pretty important job decisions which the Mr. has been fantastic in helping me talk through, but at the end of the day there are still so many unanswered questions. Before, I just worried about me. There was no additional person to worry about! I wasn’t worried about anyone’s needs but my own. There was no pressure or uncertainty about anyone else’s future but my own. Now, there are two. Not counting the dogs and cat of course. That would make for five and I just can’t handle that right now so there are two.

I am incredibly fortunate in that anything I want to go for or do, Hunter is there with me supporting me and telling me he loves me and I can do it. I want to do the same for him. I want to support him while he goes back to school however I can. I want to support him in career moves and advice he may need. I want to support him just in everyday life.

Before Hunter and I got married I had several wonderful books recommended to me including 5 Love Languages and also My So Called Life As A Proverbs 31 Wife along with a few others and I have to say that while those books were fantastic now I’m almost drowned in wanting to be an amazing wife that I think I’m making it harder on myself!

The latest job decision is whether I dedicate two days to being a nanny and the other 3 weekdays to my business and being a wife/homemaker or if I work 40 hours a week and Hunter works at the fire station and takes over the business and it’s a hard decision. I’ve gone back and forth so many times I really have no idea what I want to do much less what I need to do.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tick Tock Tick Tock Said The Clock

The wedding and honeymoon have come and gone much quicker than the laundry ever seems to come and go and as always, there are a million things to do, but I have quickly realized how important it is going to be for me to have a place where I can unwind and share my thoughts on this whirlwind journey. 

To give everyone a little background, my now husband and I have been together almost three years, knowing each other a little over four years. We met in a somewhat odd way that I'll share at a later date, and I don't think it was "love at first sight" for either of us. :) He's a fireman and I'm a nanny and we are both business owners making personalized koozies, t-shirts, and other gifts. Together, we have a chocolate lab/pitbull mix named Bailey, an Austrailian Shephard/Blue Heeler mix called Sage and a rescue kitten lovingly named Sassy. Our two "puppies" are actually how the Mr. and I got to talking again. 

The big day was November 3, 2013 and we spend 6 days and 5 nights in Negril, Jamaica for our honeymoon at Couples. The wedding was everything I never really dreamed of (I was just not that girl) and more and the honeymoon was relaxing although by the end of it I was ready to get home and really start our lives together. 

This post will be short and sweet, but I hope to share some of our experiences and life with other newlyweds or engaged couples and share what works for us in hopes that maybe it will help someone else as well. :) 

I will post pictures of the wedding and honeymoon at a later date as well along with some tips on wedding planning that I learned along the way. 
